Okay, so it's midnight on a school night and I have nothing
better to do (well, that's not true, since I have a math test and a speech tomorrow) so you're gonna get talked at. Now while
I have nothing against organized religion, other than it has corrupted some of the greatest minds to walk the earth, much
like mandatory public schools, I feel that the Bible has become much too much outdated. let me rephrase that. I believe that
a lot that the Bible has to say has become outdated. Now before y'all get all up ons, listen. Humans evolve, thoughts change,
lifestyles adapt, Darwin was right and you eat poo.
No, I mean that everything changes and if you say no, you're
a frickin' idiot who enjoys to think that you're right. Have you lived for the last million decades? Then you don't know.
Have you spoken to God specifically about His plan and where you fit in? Then you don't know. What I mean is that we as
a race have grown and changed and the rules are now different. How so? Well, perhaps you've heard of gay marriage. Yeah well,
it doesn't exist. Marriage is a term that perhaps is used just a bit too vaugely. What I take it to mean is a union in the
eyes of God. Why to homosexual yearn to seek the approval of an institution that is for the most part discouraging their lifestyle
and even condemning it? I know that they want the same benefits as married couples on their tax forms and whatnot, but to
give them God's blessing on something sacrilegious seems a mite blasmphemous. I got nothin' against homosexuals, but
it seems silly to me. Why not act for legislation that would allow for civil unions to be acknowleged with the same benefits
as marriage? It could keep the Christian (99.9%) members of the House from feeling guilty about it. Then again a conscience
never seemed that important to any politician I met.
But not really the subject I had in mind. I was ripping on
organized religion. While it might work for some people, who get their weekly Jesus-hit in the span of 52 hours yearly, I
find that it works only as a supplement, not an entire. And while I am not particularily religous, that doesn't mean I don't
care. I simply prefer not to shovw my beliefs down others' throats (Remember that you're readin' this, not me). So I
keep it inside where it belongs and in the proper company I may occasionally expose it (hah!).
But why oh why, must people be constantly on a crazy no-sex
kick? Is it such a rampant evil, that we must stave it off in our thoughts and actions? Must we be that afraid to experience
life in that manner, lest we be looked down upon by our more pious peers?
Now this is not some self-bid for sex (I promise!!) nor do
I have the experience that some other may have with this topic (I'm a good boy!!!). However like I said I feel like throwing
this out on electronic paper to gather mine thoughts. I truly believe however that sex is in the best interest of mankind
(women too). I feel that the Bible may have grown a wee bit outdated from the times of Jesus and further back. For example,
when people got married back then they were, like, 12 or 8. Seriously, they were much younger and were doing it for procreation.
Not to mention the Bible sort of allows polygamy, a practice that has fallen out of practice due to women living past their
first, second and sometimes even third births. So now teenagers are missing out on peak sex years, because of detaining marriage
till their 20's usually late 20's (college, first jobs). Let's face it: humans were meant to have sex as young as 17. Now
at twelve, it could be a bit much, but because you usually finish most of puberty before 20, it is not much of a stretch to
say that you could be safely (and enjoyably) having sex. Now, obviously the practibility of it is questionable since having
a kid at 19 could "ruin your life", but at the risk of being repetitive, you truly cold miss out on prime sex years.
Besides being a biological instinct, it is also psychologically
gratifying and mentally stimulating, and rather than do research myself, I encourage you to, so you will remember it more
vividly. That is, unless you're extremely Puritanistic in your ways and the thought of sex before marriage trauamatizes you.
In which case, you have my sincere sympathy and I apologize that your parents, religion, or dog messed you up so badly.